Explainer Video Company
The modern era is also known as the era of digital world and in this digital arena, one thing which has dominated and ruling is the animated representation of objects.
Animated videos have overtaken the traditional video industry and has become an integral part of marketing for brands around the globe. To demonstrate the product cum services to the consumers, the concepts like explainer videos and whiteboard animation is popularly used. However, both the technologies create animated videos, but differs by a big margin.
Explainer Video Concept
The explainer videos are around from quite a while and has become very popular because of its tremendous appeal to people and thus widely used by businesses. It explains the most complex product or concept in the most entertaining manner. A video explainer video lasts for 2-4 minutes and the creation is so elegant that it becomes really easy for one to understand the concept given in the video.
The output quality of the explainer video is always high and catches the attraction of its viewers.
Whiteboard Animated Videos
The whiteboard animated videos can be sub categorized as a part of explainer video as the task is same that of an explainer video – to elaborate something to the viewer. But the concept is very much different between the two. The whiteboard animated video includes the hand drawing images. In a more technical manner, the concept of whiteboard animation includes the process to record someone who is drawing on a whiteboard.

In this, the actual effect is shown in the form of time-lapse and slow motion. Animated doodling and video scribing are also included in it.
Explainer Video Vs Whiteboard Animation
Its never easy to pick any one out of explainer video and whiteboard animation as the best because they both are amazing and their presence attracts the attention of the viewer. Both explainer video and whiteboard animation have their own pros and cons.
When it comes to the budget of an animated video, the pricing of an explainer video is more. The whiteboard animation can be used even by start ups in their business too. The whiteboard animation also gives the liberty to the designer to be bold and creative as much as he can. But on the other hand, the explainer video is to the point. It’s strong point lies in more selling and less teaching.
When the brand owner wants more conversions on his products and services, he prefers to choose the explainer video as the tools are more advanced and the quality of video is amazing. On the other hand, the animated whiteboard videos are often used in the process of teaching.
The explainer video requires more artistic skills to create a magnificent video and the animation makes it more effective and elegant.
Despite the fact that an explainer video has got many positive points, but still companies are preferring whiteboard animated videos with the reason being that they utilize the work with simple characters, catchy tag lines and are very cheap to produce. One of the other factor which works in the favor of whiteboard animated videos is that it takes less time to be produced than the explainer videos.
When the differences between the explainer video and animated whiteboard videos are broken down into certain points, the conclusion will be that the own need and personal budget are the most prominent factor.
If you need a video which is low in price and can explain a complex topic easily, the animated whiteboard video is for you.
Or if you need a video to highlight all the features and target huge audience, the explainer video is there.
Stay connected to us for more information related to the world of animation.
keywords: Explainer video company